
To be a center of hope, healing, learning, and development for people facing crises due to poverty, health challenges, disasters, and life's adversities.

Vision of Ako Ang Saklay depicted with an image of open hands holding a small yellow flower


As a non-profit organization, Ako Ang Saklay Inc. is dedicated to promoting compassion, advocacy, respect, and empowerment for persons with disabilities. We assist and support communities, seniors, women, children, and youth in crisis through disaster risk reduction, recovery programs, residential care, community-based initiatives, technical-vocational education, livelihood training, and values formation.

The Mission of Ako Ang Saklay clearly seen with a large group of people gathered in a covered outdoor area, possibly for a distribution or community event.

Our Values


VALUES of Ako Ang Saklay - Group of people sitting outdoors, eating from white food containers, with trees and plants in the background.








VALUES of Ako Ang Saklay - People distributing food outdoors to children in line, next to greenery.
Book cover displaying floral cross and text "You Are Loved"

Founded by Father Arnold as a center of healing and transformation for Persons with Disabilities (PWDs), Persons Who Used Drugs (PWUDs), and people in need.

Following the values of mercy and compassion, and through the center’s strong partnership with various stakeholders*, the center has grown from a simple volunteer center for counselling orthopedic patients, into a multi-faceted support facility of senior citizens, women, children and youth, drug rehabilitation and education, as well as disaster response. We have served about 40,000 people over the years.

*In partnership with: The Provincial Government of Nueva Ecija, Regional Trial Courts, Department of Interior and Local Government, Department of Social Welfare and Development, Department of Trade and Industry, Technical Education and Skills Development Authority, Private Organizations, and Individuals

The Love of Christ Impels Us

The Love of Christ Impels Us